SynThink has state-of-the-art analytical laboratory, comprising of a wide range of instruments :
- Agilent LCMS 6120 with APCI and ESI probe
- Thermo HPLC P100 systems with PDA Detectors
- Thermo HPLC U3000 systems with UV Detectors
- Buchi Preparative HPLC
- Zirbus Lyophilizer
- Polmon Melting point apparatus
- VICI Nitrogen Generator
- Milli-Q Water Purification System
- Combi Flash Chromatography System
- High Vacuum Pumps
- Centrifuge Spark D 1008
- Hydrogenator
- Hot air Oven
- Kugelrohr Distillation Apparatus
- Data security system
- Precision Balances
- Deep Freezers
We provide analytical services to the pharmaceutical industries and Research Institutes.
Services include :
- Impurity Profiling (USP, EP, BP, JP)
- Unknown Impurity Isolation and Characterization
- Structure elucidations and confirmations by spectroscopy
- HPLC Method development
- Determination of RT, RRT and RF by pharmacopeial method
- LCMS analysis
- 1H NMR and 13C NMR
- Lyophilization
- Melting point analysis
- IR analysis
- Chiral HPLC analysis
- Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA)
- Specific Optical Rotation (SOR)
- Structure elucidation reports (SER)